Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mr. Bear If You're Naughty

Naughty Bear
This is a game where you play a teddy bear that stalks and murders other teddy bears using various weapons and traps. It sounds awesome. It is not. I thought it would be stealth-action murdering from the shadows. What it actually is is popping out from the grass and yelling boo. You can just take a weapon and mash the attack button but you don't get very many points and this is a high score based game. What you want to do is sabotage objects around the world and scare the bears when they try to fix them. If you scare them enough they will become insane. Scare them again and they will commit suicide. Scaring bears over and over again gets repetitive fast. Even though the game is really short, the repetition is obvious. The game is only 7 chapters and depending how you play you can finish a chapter in about 10 minutes.

On to what I liked about the game. This is kind of weird but I liked the achievements. Some people don't like achievements but Naughty Bear shows off one of my favorite things about them. There are achievements in this game that instruct you to do things that you wouldn't normally think of doing. Ironic Kills are when you kill that levels "boss" bear with a specific object. Secret Missions are special things to do surrounding that levels theme, like getting the Ninja-Bears in level 2 to kill themselves (Harakiri). Costume Shenanigans are killing a specific bear with a specific weapons while wearing a specific costume. And Challenge Challenges are completing the challenges in a certain way, like not killing anyone during the Insanity Challenge.

After completing the main story levels I got sick of this game. Later I tried to get back into this game. I was playing "4-1 Untouchable: Night of the Dodging Ted". A zombear was attacking a bear and hit me during his windup, when I was behind him. That was the end of that game for me.

If I was downloading anything while playing I would get this message. "A new package has been installed, would you like to activate it now?" If you hit YES the game restarts even if the thing you downloaded has nothing to do with Naughty Bear.

Edit: While deleting the install for this game I found out that this game is 757 MB. That's smaller than Dead Rising 2: Case Zero. They could have put this game on a CD. My largest trailer is 516 MB

Despite my raving for the achievements I don't have many.
Naughty Bear Achievements