Monday, January 31, 2011

Past Affect 2.5 - The DLCening

Mass Effect 2Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen MemoryMass Effect 2: OverlordMass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker
If you've read many of my posts you know that I have a particular hatred for DLC, most of the time. My recent tweet, however, may lead you to believe the opposite. I did indeed buy all of the DLC (to date) for Mass Effect 2. They were selling at a one day only price of 200 msp each. Combine that's cheaper than Lair of the Shadow Broker sells by itself: 800 msp. So the penny pincher in me caved and I bought them. I hurried to put Mass Effect 2 at the top of my GameQ and surprisingly it was the next to arrive.

Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen Memory

Kasumi - Stolen Memory: I played it. It was pretty short. You get a new character (Kasumi Goto) who I keep trying to call Katsumi for some reason. She's has a pretty interesting tech power called Shadow Strike. It's similar to Tactical Cloak but using a teleporting melee attack. There's no introduction mission for her you just show up at the citadel and have a conversation. The only meat in the DLC is the loyalty mission. It's not very long but they do some interesting things with it. First you get a new casual outfit (Yay!). I was excited because I think all of the outfits for FemShep besides the default are horrible. It's a sexy black dress which would be awesome if she didn't have the body of a man. Having to collect Donovan Hock's voice print, scamming your way into his bedroom and finding his DNA (less disgusting than it sounds), and following the power coils inside the walls to disable the kinetic barrier were all really cool. Then when you get into the vault, you see all of the treasures he has in there including Michelangelo's David and the head of the Statue of Liberty. He also has a pair of M-12 Locust SMGs for yourself and Kasumi. Then comes the long action battle. Of course if it wasn't as long as it was the whole mission would be about half an hour. I probably would have liked Kasumi more if I had her around for more than one mission. I still like her better than Jack.


Mass Effect 2: Overlord

Overlord: This is more in the vein of what I'm talkin' 'bout. Whereas "Stolen Memory" was only one mission, "Overload" is four missions. Or one short mission and one really long mission. It felt much more like a standard story mission. In "Stolen Memory" you have a really cool walk and talk section followed by a really tedious run and gun section. "Overload" on the other hand is more broken up. Go here, do something interesting, fight a bunch of guys while trying to get out, take a ride in your new vehicle to second location, find six data packets, play some frogger, repeat all of that two more times, enter "The Matrix", fight the "Lawnmower Man", get mad credits. That is how you do a DLC mission. I never heard much about this add-on. Probably because you don't acquire a new team member, although you do get a new vehicle to replace the mako (if you didn't already have the Firewalker Pack DLC). I did get to interact with Kasumi after the mission and she has some interesting gossip from around the Normandy.


Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker

Lair of the Shadow Broker: It was pretty good it was much more like Kasumi than Overlord. It has one important difference from Kasumi that I believe makes it so much better. It starts out with the fighting and then ends with the cool stuff. And the whole thing is wrapped in a much more intriguing story. It has another new vehicle (sort of). The X3M chase scene with Vasir was awful. I was constantly crashing. It was very forgiving with the checkpoints though. And the dialogue was some of the best in the whole mission. Playing as Liara was just ok. I had Singularity maxed and it was unimpressive. Unless you get a direct hit it doesn't really suck people in very well. And stasis is pretty useless because they can't take damage. The boss fight was my favorite out of the 3 DLC an maybe my favorite of all of Mass Effect 2. The ending has ramifications for Mass Effect 3 and the dossiers and videos from the Shadow Brokers files were amazing.


Because of this DLC I got to complete more of the leftover achievements from the main game. I also was able to purchase left over items from the shops due to the extra credits received from these new missions. I'm missing 3 achievements. One of which is from a DLC I don't have (Zaeed - The Price of Revenge). I'm also missing a shotgun upgrade from Tuchanka and one other upgrade I missed during a mission.

Comparing them all: Kasumi has the best Character, Overlord has the best gameplay and Shadow Broker has the best story.

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