Tuesday, January 5, 2010

PS2, PS2, Does whatever 360's Do

Spider-Man PSX
Since my 360 is gone I broke out my PS2. Played through Spider-Man for PS1 in a few hours. Bad graphics look so much worse in 3d.

It's funny to me how everyone comes down on Microsoft for making such a bad console while I play my 3rd PS2. Does no one remember the massive amount of disc read errors the PS2 had? It probably influenced my decision to jump from the Sony ship. Well, aside from the game lineup and the fact that most of my friends have 360's. But now it seems that the disc read errors have jumped ship with me.

I'm also listening to Chatterbox, KChat, VCPR, and WCTR on old GTA Games. And I'm still missing the Sandking.

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