Thursday, December 2, 2010

Excitebike HD

Trials HD
I have been wanting to buy this game since it came out. Then I found out that it was 67% off on Black Friday so I snatched it up. The early levels are fun but difficulty really ramps up. The physics are really unforgiving. You have to remember exactly when to hit the break, hit the gas, lean forward, lean backward, go faster in this section, go slower in the next, and in later levels multiple permutations of these things at the same time.

Despite no one wanting to compare any game to Super Meat Boy I'm going to right now. They are both platformers. They both have discrete stages. They both use trial and error to pass said stages. Super Meat Boy however seems more fun to me. I played the trial of Trials HD and I thought the levels were interesting. But many of the later levels are so unforgiving about how to get to the next section I never felt that I could do it consistently. SMB on the other hand is the exact opposite. Since there are only two mechanics to worry about the trial and error actually helps you become consistent. And since most people hold down run the entire time you really only have to worry about when to jump and for how long.

My favorite part of the game was actually my favorite part of the demo: the skill games. Having to clime up a room using automatic pinball bumpers while not cracking your head open is something you don't normally see.
I didn't hate this game. I just thought was ok. I kind of got bored with it a lot quicker than I thought I would, hence the low gamerscore. I might get back to it but I'm still trying to get rid of Just Cause 2. Plus I'm trying to write these things while these games are still fresh in my head or else you'll get another "x" moment.

Do I think this game is worth 1200 msp? Not to me.
Do I think this game is worth 800 msp? Maybe.
Do I think this game is worth 600 msp? This game was on sale during a "deal of the week" for half off. 600? So I half to buy 800 @ $10 then I'm left with 200 msp. What costs 200 msp? Not much. I could buy 1 thing for 160 ($2) or 2 things for 80 ($1) but then I'm left with 40 msp. What costs 40 msp? Fewer things than cost 200 msp and absolutely nothing I want. /Bill G can S my D
Do I think this game is worth 400 msp? Hells Yes. Too bad suckas.
Trials HD Gamerscore
I'm trying something new for displaying gamerscore.

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