Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Beat The Meat

Super Meat Boy
They have big box art on now.
This game was awesome. It is in the same style as other platformers such as N+, and IWBTG. The humor is very similar to Castle Crashers, as is the art style. That wasn't surprising since it was a sequel to a newgrounds game. The game has a ton of unlockable characters, many from other platform games.

These are my current stats (will update):

Chapter 1: The Forest 100%
Chapter 2: The Hospital 100%
Chapter 3: The Salt Factory 102%???
Chapter 4: Hell 43%
Chapter 5: Rapture 36%
Chapter 6: The End 50%
Chapter 7: Cotton Alley 100%
Chapter I: Teh Internets 40% - Finish=2.5% A+=5%
Chapter -1: The Killscreen 0/?


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